HITTING YOUR MARK , Second Edition
Making a Life - and a Living - as a Film Actor
The first edition of Hitting Your Mark was subtitled, 'What every actor really needs to know on a Hollywood Set.' It dealt with the problem that virtually all actors are trained on stage. There's very little opportunity to get to know and understand the workings of a film set until they are already shooting something. Of course, they are already in the belly-of-the-beast by then. The first book did a good job in letting the actor know what to expect… and what's expected of them.
The second edition, as you see, deals also with the life of an actor. The technical information from the first book is still there but here we get into the intellectual and emotional sides of acting for a living. How far can you go? How good can you get? How do you deal with rejection and lack of security? How do you prepare to give yourself the best chance of success and actually enjoy yourself along the way? … and much more.
Purchase this title from the publisher by clicking here.
Sally Dennison, Casting Director,
(Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
The Accused, The China Syndrome, etc.)
Ken Lamkin, ASC
Director of Photography
Frasier / Wings
John C. Zak
Supervising Producer
The Bold and the Beautiful
Diane Carson
Editorial Vice President
University Film and Video Association
Danny Goldman
Actor & Hollywood Casting Director
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